How to order TrafMeter

After you download and install TrafMeter, you have 30 days to try the product. You will be reminded about the need to register after each TrafMeter's start. TrafMeter will not run after its evaluation period has expired if not registered.

For fastest delivery please order online using your creditcard. To do so, please choose an ORDER link below. Your software will usually be delivered within 1-2 days! We also offer the following alternatives to order your license:

Orders are processed by Element 5 AG

As a registered user you will be able to receive TrafMeter updates for FREE in the first year.

Single license
Allows installation and execution of TrafMeter on a single machine per license.


item 146869


Site license
Allows installation and execution of TrafMeter on multiple machines within a single physical location (i.e. an office or data center location at a single physical address)


item 163174


Enterprise license
Allows installation and execution of TrafMeter on multiple machines in multiple locations throughout the licensed company's facilities.


item 163175